
9:47 PM

Putting a spotlight
on founders leading
innovative products.

Putting a spotlight on founders leading innovative products.

We'll explore the story behind the product and
the path took to arrive at their current destination.

We'll explore the story behind the product and the path took to arrive at their current destination.



👆🏽First listen.

90% of startups don't make it.

why we do it

90% of startups
don't make it.

90% of startups don't make it.

It's important to share the trailblazers.


Initial call (not recorded)

30min to get familiar.

Q&A (recorded)

15-20 minutes.


~2 weeks.

questions to expect

Background Deep Dive.

  • What were you doing prior to your company?

  • When did the idea come to you?

  • What was the biggest challenge along the way?

  • Now that it's up and thriving, what's next?

  • Any side projects going on outside of it?

  • When did the idea come to you?

  • Any last words for the audience?